
There are a number of resources available to support you in various aspects of your mental health. Whether you want to better understand how you feel, seek a different perspective, or enhance your self-awareness – these worksheets are just some of my favourites that have helped my clients and are available for you to use. You can download the worksheets by clicking on the title of the exercise you want to use.

The Non-Negotiables List is an exercise that you can use to help you outline what things you are willing or not willing to tolerate. If you struggle with setting boundaries, this exercise can help you to assess what conditions you want met before you partake in that thing, whether it be a conversation, relationship or activity. Figuring out what things you are not willing to negotiate on (for the sake of your mental health) can help you navigate the world you inhabit and protect your wellbeing.

The Observations and Evaluations worksheet is intended to help you separate out events that occur in your life from the interpretations, impressions or meanings that we assign to those events. It is human nature to judge situations and sometimes we can mix up our own feelings with the reality of the situation. This exercise will help you to separate the reality from your judgements, which will help to ground you in reality and distance yourself from potentially harmful and irrational thoughts.

The Mood Gauge is a simple yet clear and effective way to assess your mood in real time. You can determine what your energy level is and your overall level of pleasantness, in order to gauge what your specific moods and feelings are. This is a useful exercise in case you are feeling overwhelmed, or struggle to pinpoint exactly how you are feeling.

The Relationship Worksheet can be done by yourself, or with two people. The purpose of this worksheet is to aid in conflict resolution and enhancing empathy between you and the other person. You are each given the opportunity to express what a particular situation meant to you and how you each felt, then you can come together to discuss what happened and agree a way forward. Even if the other person is not available to do this exercise with you, you can still complete the worksheet as a way to make sense of what happened.

The Responsibility Pie is an interesting way to realistically assess your level of responsibility for an event occurring. Sometimes we can assign to much blame to ourselves, or perhaps not hold ourselves to account when we should. This exercise allows you to assess multiple factors that contribute to an event and look at how much responsibility you have for a situation happening. The purpose of this exercise is to help you to balance your level of accountability for something happening, thereby challenging any thoughts you may have that you are solely to blame.

The Thermometer is a useful exercise that we can do and refer to when we feel our emotions fluctuating and constantly changing. Our emotional state changes depending on what is going on around us. This exercise therefore helps to serve as a reminder of what you can do to help you maintain a steady emotional state, or to regulate your emotions if you feel triggered or impacted by what is happening around you.

The Dopamine Map is a worksheet that will enable you to think about where you currently get your sources of dopamine from and where you aspire to get future sources from. This is an important factor because you may have changes you want to make to your life – whether you want to reduce your reliance on certain things that make you feel temporarily good, or do more things that are fulfilling, you can use this worksheet as a reminder of what changes you want to make.